10 tips for a healthy life - Health Care Tips


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10 tips for a healthy life

The Danish concept ‘‘hygge’’, which means enjoying the smalls things, has become a trend lately.
Here below you will find 10 tips for a healthy life in body and mind:
Engage in regular physical activity: Find a type of exercise that you like and get moving: surfing, walking, running… Bear in mind that WHO recommends engaging in a minimum of 150 minutes of physical activity a week.
Respect sleeping time, get some rest: The recommended amount of sleeping hours is 8 hours a day; however, each person is different and the amount of sleeping hours needed may vary from one person to the other. Do not forget to maintain balance among work, leisure and rest.
| Eat healthy foods: We all know the foods we can live without, such as the sugar in cookies, prepared juices,… if you crave something sweet, just get a fruit. Eat fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, and healthy fats frequently: olive oil, nuts, salmon..
| Stay hydrated: drink two or three liters of water a day and avoid sugary drinks.
Lie in the sun responsibly: Vitamin D is beneficial for the body; it reduces the risk of different cancers, heart conditions, multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis. It also improves the immune system. But don’t forget to apply sunblock!
Avoid bad habits: alcohol, tobacco, caffeine …
| Be considerate of others and yourself: being good with oneself is not judging and punishing ourselves for the mistakes we have made. The important thing is feeling good with oneself.
Enjoy your own space: try to relax at home, read, watch a movie, chat, cook, learn… focus on some you time.
Invest in quality time with family: Spend time with the people that you love and leave the obligations aside; it’s the best way to achieve wellness.
You won’t find happiness in the latest car model, but you will find it by sharing your time with family and friends.
And the most important thing is SMILE! Laughing makes us happy, it changes our attitude. Whenever possible, take the good from every small thing and you’ll be happier!

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