Is superbug a potential threat in Bangladesh? - Health Care Tips


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Is superbug a potential threat in Bangladesh?

Superbug is a pathogenic microorganism and especially a bacterium that has developed resistance to the medications normally used against it. Microbes resistant to multiple antimicrobials are called multidrug resistant (MDR). Those considered extensively drug resistant (XDR) or totally drug resistant (TDR) are sometimes called "superbugs".
World Health Organization (WHO) included one of its reports on April-2014, “this serious threat (superbug) is no longer a prediction for the future, it is happening right now in every region of the world and has the potential to affect anyone, of any age, in any country.”
On the other hand The International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) in their annual report-2017 comprised “Ceftriaxone was the only antibiotic with 100% sensitivity, while 9.5% and 14.3% of strains were resistant to cefixime and azithromycin, respectively. More than 90% of the isolates were resistant to ciprofloxacin and doxycycline while 100% were resistant to metronidazole.”
Meanwhile a report that was published on a medical journal website called pubmed enunciated “Here we report the occurrence of colistin resistant E. coli carrying mcr-1 gene in urban environment of Dhaka, Bangladesh.”
It is ostensible from above reports that we are in superbug threat. We should be prepared to prevent superbug from being epidemic in our country.
“Bacteria can develop resistance against antibiotic for its ad lib application. Bacteria can also develop resistance if a bacteria infected patient put an end taking antibiotic before completing full course assuming that disease has healed. Plasmid in bacteria contains antibiotic resistant gene. Antibiotics should be used only after examining the presence & nature of bacteria in the body of host. No antibiotics should be taken without the prescription of registered physician.” Dr. Md. Zakaria Mia, a professor of Jagannath University’s Microbiology department told this reporter over cell phone.
Dr. Shyamal Kumar Paul, professor of Mymensingh Medical College’s Microbiology department told this reporter over cell phone in this regard, “It is important to prepare the antibiotic policy in the country. Who can write antibiotics in the patient’s prescription, who can sell antibiotics on the basis of which regulation, proper use of antibiotics by the patient, etcetera would be mentioned thoroughly in the policy?” The doctor also expressed his opinion to this reporter that he did not see any other effective condition at this time against the antibiotic resistance.

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